Journey | On Bitlayer

The third playground: BitParty X Bitlayer

We are very happy to have the opportunity to participate in Bitlayer Mining Gala.There are a few bumps and bumps along the way, but that's what a thrilling game should be.

About Bitlayer : The first Bitcoin security-equivalent Layer 2 based on the BitVM paradigm.

As usual the entire game map will start from darkness, and players with Bitlayer assets can select assets and join the group.By joining a Bitlayer assets legion, pledging a certain quantity of Bitlayer asset, and the estimated value trend of the pledged Bitlayer asset during the game, players will determine the points they can receive daily. The total points will ultimately decide the amount of $BTPX each assets legion and player can receive.

Journey time:

May 27th, 2024 12PM UTC - June 10th, 2024 12PM UTC

Supported token list:

TokenSymbolSC Address



























Join the group

Players need to own Bitlayer assets, complete the action through the stake smart contract and start the points game. If you do not have Bitlayer assets, please check and get the assets through the relevant bridge.

Earn Points

  • We will evaluate the floor value of each inscription at 24:00 US time off-chain.

Ordi's floor estimate yesterday (BTC base) = (Ordi's floor price at 24:00 yesterday (sats base)/100 million) x Liquidity discount

  • Liquidity discount: The duality of the assets graphics and tokens makes some assets prone to significant short-term fluctuations. To ensure the effectiveness of the valuation and protect excellent assets communities and users, we will update the liquidity discount for different assets daily based on the daily trading volume from multiple sources to determine player points as fairly as possible.

Asset listed with yesterday's trading volume greater than $2 million = 100%

Asset listed with yesterday's trading volume greater than $1 million = 90%

Asset listed with yesterday's trading volume less than $1 million = 80%

If the 24-hour trading volume of an Asset listed on the exchange is less than 500,000, it will be counted as an Asset not listed on the exchange

Unlisted Asset with 24-hour trading volume greater than $300,000 = 70% And so on, in decreasing increments: $200,000-$299,999 60%, $100,000-199,999 50%, $50,000-$99,999 30%, $10,000-$49,999 20%,$2,000-$9,999 5%,$100-$1,999 2%

  • Pledge time coefficient

Condition: Duration of pledging for a certain Asset | 24. When the condition is greater than or equal to 1, the pledge time coefficient is 1.

Condition: Duration of pledging for a certain Asset | 24. When the condition is less than 1, the pledge time coefficient = Pledge time | 24

  • Points earned per asset pledge day S1

S1 = Asset's floor estimate yesterday x Pledge quantity x Liquidity discount x Pledge time coefficient x 1,000

  • Player address daily points earned Player address daily points earned = S1.1 + S1.2... + S2 + S3 + S4... + Sn

Time Treasure

The first 100 addresses are available. The calculation formula is as follows: Time treasure for independent addresses = (Final address score | The 100 addresses score) x Time treasure token amount

Address Treasure

All addresses of the top 3 groups with the most addresses will receive it. After Bitparty ends, a snapshot of data will be taken, and the calculation formula is as follows: Address treasure for independent addresses = Total address treasure | Number of addresses for the top 3 groups addresses at the end

Final will get $BTPX:

You will get = (Your total points / Total points generated at the end of the game)x 21,000,000 x 3% + Time Treasure + Address Treasure

Good luck to you, warriors .Up to this point in the story, you have discovered that btpx will be a token with full chain attributes

Last updated